Archive for category Politics

What CENSORSHIP Looks Like…

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Illegal status means you’re not supposed to be here.

U. S. citisens protesting the Iraqi War

People seem born to a task. Some are born to be protesters. These people will likely never conform enough to become “productive citisens,” as most define that term, however, they can and will be at the rallies, with their placards, ready to defend their right to protest… while protesting for whatever cause it is that they’re working for. No, they won’t get paid, not in the monetary sense, but if there is change that comes out of the act of protesting, if people are hurt or incarcerated for gathering and speaking their concerns… they have torn off yet another layer of the fallible American onion skin of hypocrisy. And for this, whatever you wish to call them, those American citisens, exercising their right to peaceable assembly, I do thank them. I don’t have to like every one of them, but I do acknowledge their purpose.

Notice I say “American citisens” and not just people, for there seems to be a whole lot of

Illegal Aliens protesting their illegal status

whining and complaining coming from the masses these days, and yet a majority of these masses is made up of people that aren’t legally supposed to be here in the United States. We, as a nation, need to stand firm on our policy to allow those that wish to become part of our democracy, to enter through the correct channels, request permission to join us, and find open arms from a nation that intends to remain the “melting pot” of the free world.

The global market and its currencies per nation

This country has always prided itself on its cultural diversity, which allows us to remain competitive in the world marketplace for such things as technology and healthcare. We do not want to walk backwards here. We are a progressive nation, full of progress-inspired individuals. These individuals are here legally, and they are to be acknowledged for their worth to our nation. Those found not to be here legally, should be acknowledged for what they are as well… criminals. They should then receive what is always allowed in this country for those found guilty of crimes… “3 hots and a cot.” And that’s all.

There’s no “due process” afforded those that are not citisens of the United States. That right sits squarely on the shoulders of the interpreters of the US Constitution. And if our Supreme Court determines that the law of the land should change to accomodate criminals in having the rights of legal citisens… we should then expect protest, we should expect job loss and unemployment, and overall industry to file for bankruptcy.

For one cannot compete for a  job that is provided to someone that isn’t supposed to be here.

A "NOW HIRING Ilegal Aliens" sign

Those of the working class are forced now to attend a bidding war of sorts, where the criminal element takes precedence in all forums, where the rights of the citisens are given, with both hands, to those who should not be here, and where what little job opportunity afforded a nation steeped in politcal, financial, social and religious turmoil, is so very often accompanied by threat of opportunity lost to one who can afford to bid lower, for he/she pays no taxes in a country he/she does not legally reside.

Image of headlines featuring current job loss numbersAt the very least, in most circumstances, American citisens are finding most job listings require, not suggest, but require that one be able to speak a language, fluent to those foreigners that shouldn’t be here in the first place.

So if you’re protesting this ongoing practice, which should have ended shortly after it started during World War II, but held on until the mid-sixties , if you are speaking out against the pain and suffering felt by so many in the United States, due to the governmental push to make legal citisens second-class citisens, I salute you. We need people willing to stand up and speak on behalf of those that can’t seem to understand that promoting a program designed to protect and accommodate criminals, of any sort, will beget more criminals.Image showing migration to the US per nation

We, as a nation, I’m sure, wish not to become second-class citisens in a third-world country. We love our country, and only ask that those that wish to also join our nation do so legally. That’s not really asking too much.

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Let the Record Show

Originally posted on Tuesday, May 24, 2011

So if you’ve read through all that, read on, because here’s what I have to say on that particular matter:

It’s quite interesting to notice that nearly every single instance mentioned in this article berating people for believing in the current president’s intentions to be a leader towards peaceful negotiation can be directly traced back to the 8 Cheney, I mean Bush (that’s the second one, the one that couldn’t even bother to show up for national guard duty, not the ex CIA one that came before him, of course,) years of administration bent on deregulation of all those corporations to whom, without such oversight, went most of this country’s tax dollars. This is to say nothing of those same victims of executive manipulation having to recognise their hard-earned take home income was to grow exponentially worthless in the marketplace.

Protests of the war mentioned, specifically the one in Iraq,were to collectively stand and yet remain as one of the largest world-gatherings in the history of protests against the actions of a single government in the history of the free world. People were left with little more after the insistent rampaging of their lives for the benefit of the elitists and 1% ers with nothing BUT hope, if they were even allowed to yet hold onto such a thing… all the the name of faith and freedom.

We were then expected, while taking short, shallow breaths, to both not drown in the sea of debt and despair left in the wake of the Bush years, to believe there’s something wrong with having hope. Hope is different from faith in that faith depends upon a belief that he who leads is worth following without question or reserve. Hope only insists that we remain vigilant in our plan for a future of goodness.

After reading this article, one would assume we are to consider hope to be a bad thing. Therefore, it would seem we should be pure cynics, if we can’t be pure tyrants. Of course, even pure hope DOES have its limits. For instance, try as we might wish it to be so, we can’t all be BFFs with the bin ladens and have oil baron daddies who well-know the meaning of “the ends justifies the means.” But then can we, any of us, at this late hour afford to be so Machiavellian? Can we, as a nation, afford to continue to push truth to the side, to make wider the chasm for criticism of those that are not likely to come at us with that “faith” sort of rhetoric?

I guess I’m just saying… I wish people could pick their fights with the right people who need their collective arses kicked, instead of being such bigots and backbiters, spending their every last effort to seek out even the slightest shred of hope that what they don’t understand and haven’t ever evolved an ability to do so, can yet be squashed like the ugly bug with too many legs that happened across their picnic sandwich?

I’m just saying…

…and thanks for reading.

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On the Blame Game and Osama Bin Laden

Originally posted on Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Following the finding of a comment provided by a Facebook friend to a post written with obvious haste and little concern for the outcome of sharing such an opinion, I decided it best to provide my own thoughts in return. Attempting to maintain some decorum of diplomacy, as is proper in public debate, of course, I penned out my thoughts, checked my facts, where necessary, and commenced to post my comment to the one shared on my board by another Facebook friend. However, at once I realised it was already getting more than enough agitation, as it was, already mentioned, obviously hastily provided, with great passion and little consideration as to whether the facts within could be verified. I like things that make sense. So here, I will attempt to provide both sides of an argument that truly never should have begun as such (in my opinion.) And thus so, I will provide it here, in my own notes forum, as opposed to spilling it all over the poster’s original words. After all, though I don’t like what he said, especially, I don’t feel it my place to otherwise monopolise his chosen space in which to say it. And so I provide my own version of logic on the subject here. And I DO hope what I share here will make sense.

Dear Jeff~

Upon your posted comment to the post by another from your friend’s list, concerning responsibility for the finality of Bin Laden… I would like to add to the original poster: Would it then be fair, if one considers your argument to be of valid reasoning, would it then be fair to also rescind the blanket condemnation for our current commander in chief, laying responsibility for the housing crisis of ’09 and ’10 to all who were truly present and truly then responsible for the outcome of such as deregulations in the name of corporations. For by your own definition of responsibility, the current president, he truly just happened in on the ongoing situation of our failing economy when taking the office as our country’s leader. Or would you then say it was his doing, the failing of our economic structure? But then.. what of the previous 8 years before him? Was no one responsible then? And what of the war in Iraq, after countless new media worked tirelessly on so many channels for so many months to redefine what happened on September 11th… that Saddam Hussein was to blame for the tragedies as well as the al-Qaeda and their infamous leader of the “evil doers” in Afghanistan? …

Does this then mean we are thus repeating a dangerous and cyclic movement to haunt and re-haunt the very fabric of American life, where the greatest cause we can take up is to lay blame upon any target within reach. When once this process came into practice, during the Clinton/Gore years, the web was a place to see vacation photos, or pass Stanford U. programs (the first lines of code for such as the likes of Google and Yahoo, perhaps,) No longer is our reach so limited, with connectivity to world-wide access in social realms (like this one…) our choices and judgments shared with the whole of the world we choose to message at a moment’s notice, with the tap of a few keyboard strokes, a click or two of a mouse… we are heard. We are re-tweeted, our content is shared… over and over and over again.

We have thus become the journalistic public. But the responsibility lies in all of us with the ability to convey and reach others with our chosen methods and words in conveyance… to provide QUALIFIABLE (VALID) and QUANTIFIABLE (MEASURABLE) content that’s more than shocking, or even interesting and/or enjoyable for others to find and read and share. We must provide TRUTH in our content. Truth and knowledge that what we share will likely be shared again… and again… and yet again. And if you think that only “sticks and stones” can hurt… you’ve obviously never been the victim of the written word.

So as a journalist public of our own news and in many cases, as additions to news world-wide, we should know we have every right to write what we think.


We have every responsibility to THINK BEFORE we WRITE.

Thanks for reading, and PS to Jeff… your comment to that post was one that DOES make sense, and I’m very glad that we’re friends:)

And happy writing, everyone!

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The Government’s At It Again…

Originally posted on Friday, April 8, 2011

Wouldn’t it be amazing to see our government actually ADDRESS issues at the onset, instead of side-stepping them until they can be used as some sort of leverage point? We can’t afford to house the people in this country, yet many MANY people think it’s important to KEEP making MORE people. Those people, however, have no intention of footing the bill (taking responsibility) for those people they insist should be here. It’s more than pro-life. It’s immigration laws in desperate need of reform, equality of pay and placement in the workplace, but I’m sure you can think of others as well.

So just getting to this (the news, these days sickens me, in general, so I tend to avoid it for as long as possbile) once logging into my Yahoo! messenger account this evening, I was greeted with this as the top story (and why not… it’s going to affect everyone and everything, and there’s little ANYONE that’s not voting on the matter can do but hide and wait for the outcome… hence why I tend to avoid the news in general anymore,) But here it is:

Abortion Becomes Flashpoint in Shutdown Battle

There’s loads of comments following the posted story (9,662 at the time of this posted note on the article, including my own, which follows,) citing everything from abortion to religion, and support of our troops fighting still in this and that faraway place, supposedly to protect this country, and promote the democracy of those it was said to be sent to protect. But, though that’s all fine and well, as long as it’s working, however, one has to wonder, with all that support going out to see to the well-being and freedoms of other nations, WHO IS SEEING TO THE PROTECTION AND WELL-BEING OF THOSE OF US HERE AT HOME?? I weighed in on the article, and this is what I pondered…

It’s interesting the amount of money put up to promote and defend the rights of drug pushers in this country (ie: pharmaceutical companies,) for the likes of such things as Viagra, but while penises are getting harder faster, and able to stay that way for a longer period of time, nothing is being done to protect the receptacle of these co-instruments of procreation (ie: vaginas.) Seems a bit ridiculous to even involve the likes of Planned Parenthood (privately funded provider and promoter of affordable women’s medical health,) in the overall government decisions to fix the failing economy. Shame Lil’ Bush and the crew aren’t around anymore to see that the whole thing is simply deregulated so that all the big cats can see to their golden parachutes opening before impact. At least the top 1% of the nation would look like IT was being considered in all this garbage. I see this country headed straight for serfdom. We already have lords and ladies in place (ie: multi-billion dollar owners of the media…) we’re basically just tenant farmers living on their land anymore:( We aren’t even, many of us, “working class” dogs… We’re just sheep being led to the inevitable slaughter. OH, to simply be a dog again… those were the good ol’ days.

Well, that’s about all the time we have for today’s take on tomorrow. Stay tuned to find out more things that are happening that you can’t do a THING about. But thanks, as always, for reading, and hope you’re having a good day, despite the apparent and rampant stupidity.

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Stop the Madness… I Want Off This Ride!!

Originally posted on Saturday, February 5, 2011

Religion is

a man-made product of manipulative intent. To each his (or her) own rights to worship and espouse whatever is in his or her own heart. How much nicer would it all be if so much less passion were spilled in blood and commitment in the name of such institutions. However, unfortunately, so many need something, someone to dictate what they should believe in, and therefore, how they should then think, about themselves, about their world. We are a thinking creature… we should spend more time determining how best to save our species as opposed to how to draw it into some false sense of security based on sporadic truths doused in a liquid ignorance. We should be strong and righteous because it is the right thing to be, to do, not because some book or guy in a 3-piece suit, or some guy in a dress tells us we should do it. We are, each of us, stronger and wiser than this. I’m not an atheist. I just hate religion as such a controlling mechanism in my world. Politics… what’s the difference? It’s the same mind screwing but for a different god.

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A Crime in Progress…

Originally posted on Saturday, August 7, 2010

On this website, devoted to helping people find answers to tough questions/problems, I ran across this strapping Texas attorney:

Calls him/herself the “Georgetown Lawyer,” apparently operating out of Houston, Texas.

Just look at the laundry list of accolades and associations. Is THIS why this person went to school? To learn precisely how to assist in ruining the livelihood of millions of law-abiding, work-worthy and United States citisens?

Dear friends and family… We are witnessing a crime in progress…

Ask Georgetown Lawyer Your Immigration Law Question.

So they said I could ask, so I’m asking:

As a law student, I’m compelled to ask the following: Do you make a habit, rather, “practice” of “assisting” illegals, rather criminals under the US justice system’s definition of a criminal, in maintaining their current criminal activity? Doesn’t that then make you (by United States’ Law,) at the very least, an accessory to a crime?

I think this is a legitimate question, considering the continuing criminality in my nation, the unemployment rate, and the possibility of anmesty for what should be considered outright criminals bilking the US welfare and other systems here in the country of billions of much-needed US funding. This is criminal activity at its very core, whereby an individual is somehow entitled to legal answers for illegal activity. All, of course, at the expense of the tax-payers (of whom which, not one of these illegal “aliens” can claim to be, of course,) and there’s nothing in this whole world I hate with more passion than a theif… than someone that profits from assisting a theif. IT is what it is… criminal.

Please comment, and let me know if you agree with my way of thinking on this issue.


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Deep Thoughts~ By Stacey Davis

Originally posted on Friday, November 20, 2009

First of all,

I thank anyone that comes by here to read this (and manages to read it in its entirety) very much for taking the time and making the effort to do so. I say this, because not only is this a long piece, penned very early in my morning, so likely not to be as comprehensible as it would be, say around 1pm or so, but that if you’ve actually read this all the way through, you then know that what I speak of in this latest note/blogging is entirely true. The government in these United States has nearly forever bothered more with special interest and pork barrel programs than it has ever pressed to capture the big picture. This is surely because our US government is run by people, and by people, I mean humans, and by humans, I mean the truly GREEDY creatures of this planet.

We are, by nature, a self-serving mechanism,

with a built in survival guide which, in true times of desperation, we red line to our situations and act accordingly, thereby saving our stupid selves. However, at this point, we yet remain basically at the top of the earth’s food chain, therefore, we ultimately come first as a race of creatures, and in many cases, perhaps most cases, greedy self-important creatures…otherwise known (sadly, in most cases as well,) as politicians. I’m not going to go any further into either specific psychology, anthropology (as I really don’t know much about anthropology,) or politics here, as I feel what I have to say stands upon its own logical merit. And by logical I mean it simply makes sense. BUT only if you read it all the way through.

So without further introduction

(I think I’ve set this one up well enough to this point,) I give you my version of Deep Thoughts.

Oh… one more thing I should definitely mention…

this is the actual original reply penned and intended to be posted on my dear and sweet and totally amazing online sister, Jessica Amato’s Facebook page for her posting of a link to words of Maya Angelou’s Every Woman Should where Ms. Angelou speaks upon behalf of women and their plight to survive the double standards that yet exist in this world, specifically speaking to a women’s need or right to always be able to survive on her own without benefit of a man’s income. Maya Angelou says: A Woman Should Have…enough money within her control to move out and rent a place of her own…

So in reference to Jessica’s post,

as her heartfelt thought for the day (the day being November 20th, 2009,) came my own considerations on the matter, largely through personal experience, while somewhat also through my law classes, and so with humble intentions, I offer these thoughts to you, dear reader, in the hopes that you shall embrace, what I feel, is the absolute truth on the entire matter, rather than cling to the bits and pieces whereby paying attention to these crumbs, makes possible the continued lining of the pockets of the Boss Tweed professors yet present and accounted for in Washington and across our nation, there in the political arenas as our representatives with nary a concern for the gold they steal out of the lives and souls of women and people, of both genders, all over this world…if you stop and think about the big picture…

So here it is…

Deep thoughts~ by Stacey Davis:

And you’re not going to likely believe me when I say this, but the fact that your statement is even necessary to utter, let alone be entirely true to the letter is exactly why I’m against concerning our system with legalising same-sex marriage. I really couldn’t care less who marries who, as with me, it’s not an issue of religious piety or anything like that. It’s a matter of simple economics. I truly believe that what SHOULD be on the table in front of the legislators until IT is no longer true to the letter is the sad fact that nation wide (if not still world wide,) females earn at least a THIRD less from their place of employment than males.

And so in the law of economics, this means that the female MUST rely upon the male for her way of life in many cases. Therefore, though there are men who wish to have the privileges of being female, and therefore demand they should also be able to then marry a male who wishes to be male, those same hopeful, gay male people in this country certainly do not intend to grasp the albatross of femaleness that all women yet likely wear in the workplace.

It stands, then to reason, that gay women, though intending to take on the role as a male, are not likely to be seen as such in the workplace, and will therefore STILL be earning a third less than males (whether gay or not.) Now if you’re following me on this so far, by that measure, it stands also then to reason that males, (whether gay or not,) will be earning one third more than either homo or heterosexual females. For my way of thinking, then, gay marriage promotes a potential threat to first, hetero sexual females and then to gay women alike, in that if two males are legally recognised under the law, as legally married, then they can file taxes as such. While if two homosexual females are legally allowed to marry they can do the same…and yet STILL, because no one has finally put a stop to the discrimination of females in the workplace (at LEAST in terms equal earnings for equal job titles,) those two lesbians can plan to make two thirds LESS to enter into their join tax return than the two gay guys.

And it is your mentioning of how women should always have enough money to move away safely from wherever they are, dear and Pretty Jess, that prompts me to suggest that if the legislature in this country (and perhaps, all over this world,) were to dig its collective heels in and deal, with diligence, on the matter of equality for women, such statements of sad fact, neither mine nor yours, dear Sister, would be either true or necessary to discuss. I know that both statements are…and so until that time comes, if it ever does, I totally agree with your statement, and thank you for always putting yourself out there to help those who need it most, hunny ~hugs ya and tosses some twinkies because this was really really long to read, I know~

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If you’re stupid and you know it…

Originally posted on Friday, November 6, 2009

So I found this this morning:

So I replied with this:

Yahoo buzzed this up. Wow…you’re boring. I mean, I can never fail to tell a true armchair party politician. I simply have to read along in the first paragraph of their words to find the derogatory bits. It’s that name-calling aspect that makes this and every other sophomoric swill of bloated spin and spill only worth the scrolling through to get to this part…where I say it’s boring. Thanks for the reminder that I should really be writing my own blog posts instead of reading this one and ones like it.

…Yeah, that’s exactly what I said (only I think I misspelled “derogatory” and “blog.”) It’s still early for me though, and at least I admit my own mistakes straight off, right? Right.

Anyway, thanks for reading, and if you’re not already a FB friend here, feel free to add me. Wanna follow me? <<Click that link there or go here:

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