Posts Tagged citisen

Illegal status means you’re not supposed to be here.

U. S. citisens protesting the Iraqi War

People seem born to a task. Some are born to be protesters. These people will likely never conform enough to become “productive citisens,” as most define that term, however, they can and will be at the rallies, with their placards, ready to defend their right to protest… while protesting for whatever cause it is that they’re working for. No, they won’t get paid, not in the monetary sense, but if there is change that comes out of the act of protesting, if people are hurt or incarcerated for gathering and speaking their concerns… they have torn off yet another layer of the fallible American onion skin of hypocrisy. And for this, whatever you wish to call them, those American citisens, exercising their right to peaceable assembly, I do thank them. I don’t have to like every one of them, but I do acknowledge their purpose.

Notice I say “American citisens” and not just people, for there seems to be a whole lot of

Illegal Aliens protesting their illegal status

whining and complaining coming from the masses these days, and yet a majority of these masses is made up of people that aren’t legally supposed to be here in the United States. We, as a nation, need to stand firm on our policy to allow those that wish to become part of our democracy, to enter through the correct channels, request permission to join us, and find open arms from a nation that intends to remain the “melting pot” of the free world.

The global market and its currencies per nation

This country has always prided itself on its cultural diversity, which allows us to remain competitive in the world marketplace for such things as technology and healthcare. We do not want to walk backwards here. We are a progressive nation, full of progress-inspired individuals. These individuals are here legally, and they are to be acknowledged for their worth to our nation. Those found not to be here legally, should be acknowledged for what they are as well… criminals. They should then receive what is always allowed in this country for those found guilty of crimes… “3 hots and a cot.” And that’s all.

There’s no “due process” afforded those that are not citisens of the United States. That right sits squarely on the shoulders of the interpreters of the US Constitution. And if our Supreme Court determines that the law of the land should change to accomodate criminals in having the rights of legal citisens… we should then expect protest, we should expect job loss and unemployment, and overall industry to file for bankruptcy.

For one cannot compete for a  job that is provided to someone that isn’t supposed to be here.

A "NOW HIRING Ilegal Aliens" sign

Those of the working class are forced now to attend a bidding war of sorts, where the criminal element takes precedence in all forums, where the rights of the citisens are given, with both hands, to those who should not be here, and where what little job opportunity afforded a nation steeped in politcal, financial, social and religious turmoil, is so very often accompanied by threat of opportunity lost to one who can afford to bid lower, for he/she pays no taxes in a country he/she does not legally reside.

Image of headlines featuring current job loss numbersAt the very least, in most circumstances, American citisens are finding most job listings require, not suggest, but require that one be able to speak a language, fluent to those foreigners that shouldn’t be here in the first place.

So if you’re protesting this ongoing practice, which should have ended shortly after it started during World War II, but held on until the mid-sixties , if you are speaking out against the pain and suffering felt by so many in the United States, due to the governmental push to make legal citisens second-class citisens, I salute you. We need people willing to stand up and speak on behalf of those that can’t seem to understand that promoting a program designed to protect and accommodate criminals, of any sort, will beget more criminals.Image showing migration to the US per nation

We, as a nation, I’m sure, wish not to become second-class citisens in a third-world country. We love our country, and only ask that those that wish to also join our nation do so legally. That’s not really asking too much.

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A Crime in Progress…

Originally posted on Saturday, August 7, 2010

On this website, devoted to helping people find answers to tough questions/problems, I ran across this strapping Texas attorney:

Calls him/herself the “Georgetown Lawyer,” apparently operating out of Houston, Texas.

Just look at the laundry list of accolades and associations. Is THIS why this person went to school? To learn precisely how to assist in ruining the livelihood of millions of law-abiding, work-worthy and United States citisens?

Dear friends and family… We are witnessing a crime in progress…

Ask Georgetown Lawyer Your Immigration Law Question.

So they said I could ask, so I’m asking:

As a law student, I’m compelled to ask the following: Do you make a habit, rather, “practice” of “assisting” illegals, rather criminals under the US justice system’s definition of a criminal, in maintaining their current criminal activity? Doesn’t that then make you (by United States’ Law,) at the very least, an accessory to a crime?

I think this is a legitimate question, considering the continuing criminality in my nation, the unemployment rate, and the possibility of anmesty for what should be considered outright criminals bilking the US welfare and other systems here in the country of billions of much-needed US funding. This is criminal activity at its very core, whereby an individual is somehow entitled to legal answers for illegal activity. All, of course, at the expense of the tax-payers (of whom which, not one of these illegal “aliens” can claim to be, of course,) and there’s nothing in this whole world I hate with more passion than a theif… than someone that profits from assisting a theif. IT is what it is… criminal.

Please comment, and let me know if you agree with my way of thinking on this issue.


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