Posts Tagged workplace

Deep Thoughts~ By Stacey Davis

Originally posted on Friday, November 20, 2009

First of all,

I thank anyone that comes by here to read this (and manages to read it in its entirety) very much for taking the time and making the effort to do so. I say this, because not only is this a long piece, penned very early in my morning, so likely not to be as comprehensible as it would be, say around 1pm or so, but that if you’ve actually read this all the way through, you then know that what I speak of in this latest note/blogging is entirely true. The government in these United States has nearly forever bothered more with special interest and pork barrel programs than it has ever pressed to capture the big picture. This is surely because our US government is run by people, and by people, I mean humans, and by humans, I mean the truly GREEDY creatures of this planet.

We are, by nature, a self-serving mechanism,

with a built in survival guide which, in true times of desperation, we red line to our situations and act accordingly, thereby saving our stupid selves. However, at this point, we yet remain basically at the top of the earth’s food chain, therefore, we ultimately come first as a race of creatures, and in many cases, perhaps most cases, greedy self-important creatures…otherwise known (sadly, in most cases as well,) as politicians. I’m not going to go any further into either specific psychology, anthropology (as I really don’t know much about anthropology,) or politics here, as I feel what I have to say stands upon its own logical merit. And by logical I mean it simply makes sense. BUT only if you read it all the way through.

So without further introduction

(I think I’ve set this one up well enough to this point,) I give you my version of Deep Thoughts.

Oh… one more thing I should definitely mention…

this is the actual original reply penned and intended to be posted on my dear and sweet and totally amazing online sister, Jessica Amato’s Facebook page for her posting of a link to words of Maya Angelou’s Every Woman Should where Ms. Angelou speaks upon behalf of women and their plight to survive the double standards that yet exist in this world, specifically speaking to a women’s need or right to always be able to survive on her own without benefit of a man’s income. Maya Angelou says: A Woman Should Have…enough money within her control to move out and rent a place of her own…

So in reference to Jessica’s post,

as her heartfelt thought for the day (the day being November 20th, 2009,) came my own considerations on the matter, largely through personal experience, while somewhat also through my law classes, and so with humble intentions, I offer these thoughts to you, dear reader, in the hopes that you shall embrace, what I feel, is the absolute truth on the entire matter, rather than cling to the bits and pieces whereby paying attention to these crumbs, makes possible the continued lining of the pockets of the Boss Tweed professors yet present and accounted for in Washington and across our nation, there in the political arenas as our representatives with nary a concern for the gold they steal out of the lives and souls of women and people, of both genders, all over this world…if you stop and think about the big picture…

So here it is…

Deep thoughts~ by Stacey Davis:

And you’re not going to likely believe me when I say this, but the fact that your statement is even necessary to utter, let alone be entirely true to the letter is exactly why I’m against concerning our system with legalising same-sex marriage. I really couldn’t care less who marries who, as with me, it’s not an issue of religious piety or anything like that. It’s a matter of simple economics. I truly believe that what SHOULD be on the table in front of the legislators until IT is no longer true to the letter is the sad fact that nation wide (if not still world wide,) females earn at least a THIRD less from their place of employment than males.

And so in the law of economics, this means that the female MUST rely upon the male for her way of life in many cases. Therefore, though there are men who wish to have the privileges of being female, and therefore demand they should also be able to then marry a male who wishes to be male, those same hopeful, gay male people in this country certainly do not intend to grasp the albatross of femaleness that all women yet likely wear in the workplace.

It stands, then to reason, that gay women, though intending to take on the role as a male, are not likely to be seen as such in the workplace, and will therefore STILL be earning a third less than males (whether gay or not.) Now if you’re following me on this so far, by that measure, it stands also then to reason that males, (whether gay or not,) will be earning one third more than either homo or heterosexual females. For my way of thinking, then, gay marriage promotes a potential threat to first, hetero sexual females and then to gay women alike, in that if two males are legally recognised under the law, as legally married, then they can file taxes as such. While if two homosexual females are legally allowed to marry they can do the same…and yet STILL, because no one has finally put a stop to the discrimination of females in the workplace (at LEAST in terms equal earnings for equal job titles,) those two lesbians can plan to make two thirds LESS to enter into their join tax return than the two gay guys.

And it is your mentioning of how women should always have enough money to move away safely from wherever they are, dear and Pretty Jess, that prompts me to suggest that if the legislature in this country (and perhaps, all over this world,) were to dig its collective heels in and deal, with diligence, on the matter of equality for women, such statements of sad fact, neither mine nor yours, dear Sister, would be either true or necessary to discuss. I know that both statements are…and so until that time comes, if it ever does, I totally agree with your statement, and thank you for always putting yourself out there to help those who need it most, hunny ~hugs ya and tosses some twinkies because this was really really long to read, I know~

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